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Danielle Brian is the Executive Director of the Project on Government Oversight (POGO) and is considered one of the most authoritative people who watchdogs the spending of the federal government. In fact, yesterday (April 27) she was named by Washingtonian Magazine as one of the most influential people in good government. Dina Rasor founded POGO and Danielle Brian took over the executive director position from Dina Rasor in 1993. She worked at POGO with Dina in the 1980s and with Greg Williams, the Chief Operating Officer of Climate Money Project. We are delighted that she did this podcast and passed on her valuable knowledge so that the climate community can benefit from her experience in not only passing appropriations but also how to put in safeguards and oversight so that the money is spent well with as little of fraud and waste as possible.
In this episode, we will talk about Danielle’s knowledge and concerns of what can happen when the federal government spends a large amount of money, like the recent climate appropriations, without the bureaucracy now being ready to process and oversee the spending, the pros and cons of the federal Inspectors General ability to audit and investigate large amounts of new money, how the Congress and the Executive Branch can out in safeguards for spending transparency and prevent unnecessary fraud and waste, and the important role of whistleblowers and anonymous sources in this process. We would love your feedback and suggestions on our podcast episodes as well as suggestions of anyone you think would help the climate community better understand how the climate money should be spent and overseen. We will be bringing you a myriad of experts, scientists, attorneys, local, state and federal officials, and advocates to help all of us prepare to make climate money work well. If you like what you hear, please sign up to receive our podcast episodes and please tweet on Twitter and post on Facebook our podcast link to help us get this information out to the people who are determined to make climate mitigation work. Thanks! Comments are closed.
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June 2024
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© 2021 Climate Money Watchdog Inc., a Project of the Media Alliance, a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) Charitable Organization